26620 Cavallo Rd. Danville Ohio 43014
1 740 599 5319
Dan Clark's Taxidermy is located in Knox County, 13 miles from Mount Vernon, OH and just one quarter mile from the intersection of State Route 62 and State Route 36. More specifically, Dan's shop is an hour drive of Columbus and within a 2 hour drive of Cleveland.
Your trophy can also be shipped to Dan Clark's Taxidermy from anywhere in the world. Please contact Dan for shipping tags and specific information to ensure proper handling.
Return shipment to you will take place with a packing company that will build a crate to suit your mount. Your trophy will be insured and shipped by freight back to you. If you live within a six hour drive, Dan can also deliver your trophy and assemble it for you in your show room. Additional fees apply for shipment or delivery.
For specific information on how to prepare your game for shipment please contact Dan.